As most of you know I am an avid Burner (one who goes to Burning Man). I volunteer, I blog and most of my community stems from these amazing artists and people who make things and get things done. I volunteer because Burning Man and its culture and ethos have enriched my life.
I don’t usually write about much that isn’t fashion related here, but this project in Haiti is a chance for me to give to a group of artists that need skills that are more practical so they can make a living. Please help if you can, even if only a little.
Currently I am volunteering for Burners Without Borders and what I am asking is that if you also have found Burning Man to have enriched your life, or you would like to enrich another person’s life, that you consider helping Burners Without Borders in its partnership with Haiti’s Jakmel Ekspresyon Art Center, a unique community arts center for an important segment of Haiti’s artistic community. As the people of Haiti recover and rebuild from the 2010 earthquake, this center for creativity and self-expression is a vital part of its future. With the support of the Burning Man community, we can make a real and lasting difference in transforming this paradigm. This screen printing project will be the first of its kind in Haiti. Burners Without Borders will send ten artists to Jacmel to teach skills in design, screen printing and professional development. There are currently no screen printing services available in Jacmel to create post-cards and t-shirts for the tourism industry or for the various international organizations who work there. This project is sure to be a success and we need your participation to make it happen. Please help Burners Without Borders and Jakmel Ekspresyon launch a new arts/artists-in-residence program that will benefit the local economy for the long term! Please spread the word.