Show me the Workout Clothes!!

I have been doing aerobics or working out at the gym since 1983.  I have loved it, but I fell into the abyss and stopped working out for over a year.  My trainer and friend Cinder Ernst invited us to come to the new gym she is training at and for the first time in six years we all danced to the songs we had danced together for over 15 years, and then Cinder said “We are dancing today because Affinity said she missed dancing, so here we are”.  I just glowed and danced with my friends. and now I am back, ready to workout again.  But, guess what NOW I NEED SOME NEW WORKOUT CLOTHES!  I know you were waiting for that sentence because I love to shop and tell you all about how it fits and where you can get it and what is fun and happening right now.  And did you know that I am going on a cruise around Italy at the end of May so I have to represent for the big girls. So be on the lookout for me and tell me what you think a size 26-28 girl can wear to shake her booty, and I will tell you what I find out there...affinity